Lose Weight Tips For Men in 4 Weeks

How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks For Men:

Some Additional information From Weight loss Club:

Small changes can lead to really great weight-loss results.The ultimate tip list for losing weight and keeping it off.Did you know: Men naturally have faster metabolism and less body fat percentage compared to women, making it easier to lose weight.

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Lose Weight Tips For Men in 4 Weeks

Tutorial To Lose Weight In 4 Weeks:

Week 1 Weight loss For Men:

At Monday morning: 30-60 minutes low-impact, light cardio on an empty stomach (swimming, cycling, elliptical, etc.)

Monday afternoon: body weight only workout circuit, with 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions of push-ups, elastic band rows, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, and an abdominal exercise of your choice.

Morning And Afternoon: Same as Monday, but instead of afternoon body weight only workout, simply do 5-10 repeats of 30-60 seconds of intense, low-impact cardio, such as bicycling. Recover completely after each intense effort.

Wednesday: Same as Monday.

Thursday: Same as Tuesday.

Friday: Same as Monday and Wednesday.

Saturday: Long hike, bike ride, easy run or any other form of cardiovascular exercise, with minimal eating. Try for 1.5-2 hours.

Sunday: Yoga or stretching

Week 2nd and 3rd Weight loss For Men:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Full body workout, preferably the exact workout described in the article, “What Is the Best Workout For Fat Loss?” and “Which Workout Burns the Most Fat?”

Basically, you’ll do a full body weight training workout with short bursts of intense cardio after each workout. This workout will take you about an hour, and you’ll repeat the workout on Wednesday and Friday.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: These days will be very similar to the days in week 1, with easy cardio in the morning and hard bursts of intense intervals in the afternoon-- but you should be gradually doing more intervals each day.

Week 4 Weight loss For Men:

You’re almost there! We’re just going to make one slight modification to the protocol you followed in weeks 2 and 3. This time, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, you’re going to add in 20-30 minutes of light, unfed cardio. So in week 4, you’ll be up to nearly 1.5 hours of exercise each day. Remember--you asked for fast fat loss!

Once you have finished 4 weeks, you should do an easy week of light cardio and yoga before continuing with intense intervals and weight training to avoid a suppressed immune system and puffy inflammation. It’s always a good idea to give the body a break.

Diet For Fast Weight Loss of Men:

Although many studies show insignificant long term weight loss differences among people who follow low carb, moderate carb, or high carb diets, there is a definite immediate and significant drop in weight in those who follow a high protein diet. Carbohydrate carries up to four times it’s weight in water, and so you lose quite a bit of your storage carbohydrate when you switch to a high protein diet.

But the dangers of a high protein diet include a lack of energy, depressed immune system, and of course, you going stir crazy because you can’t have oatmeal for breakfast.

So here is how to avoid those problems, get adequate energy, and not damage your body with fast fat loss: use calorie cycling. To do this, simply eat a lower carbohydrate, low starch, low sugar diet on any days that require cardio exercise only or short cardio interval bursts.

Next, on your “intense” weight training days, eat a moderate carbohydrate diet--up to 50-60% of total dietary intake. It’s that simple. And for the entire first week of this fast fat loss program, you can also eat a lower carbohydrate intake (meaning that weeks 2, 3 and 4 are weeks in which you would calorie cycle).

That’s it! Now what are you waiting for? Go get fit just in time for Cousin Tony’s wedding. If you have questions, be sure to head over to the Get-Fit Guy Facebook page and ask away!

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